Project Information
- IPC - "El Alto" Thermoelectric Generation Plant
- 2011
- Empresa Eléctrica Valle Hermoso S.A. - EVH.
- El Alto, Bolivia
- Energy
- 32 MW
Scope of the project
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Project that included the supply, transportation, installation and commissioning of a 32 MW (on-site), simple cycle and fuel (gas) generation turbine.
The Balance of Plant (BOP) covered the gas treatment systems, service air, instruments and control room. It also included a 115 KV bay made up of disconnectors, lightning rods, measurement transformers and switches. The training of personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant was also considered.
This plant serves electricity supply to the El Alto International Airport and the communities of the towns of La Paz and El Alto, in Bolivia.