Project Information
- IPC - "Alberto Lovera" Thermoelectric Generation Plant
- 2005
- National Electric Corporation – CORPOELEC
- Puerto La Cruz, Edo. Anzoátegui, Venezuela
- Energy
- 300 MW
Scope of the project
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Project, developed in an area of 6 hectares, which includes the supply, transportation, installation and commissioning of two generation turbines of 150 MW each (on site), simple cycle and dual fuel system . It has the possibility of future installation of a combined cycle, expanding the installed capacity of the plant.
The Balance of Plant (BOP) covers liquid fuel storage and treatment systems, gas compression and treatment, service air and instruments, drinking water, demineralized water, effluent collection and treatment, control, telecommunications and service buildings, control room, administrative buildings, warehouse and maintenance workshop. It also includes the training of personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of the plant.
Contribution to the National Interconnected System, specifically of the States of Anzoátegui and Sucre. This plant serves the electrical demand of the Puerto La Cruz Refinery and all oil and gas production in the north of the Anzoátegui State and surrounding communities.